GPS Tracking & Tracing
Business Security Company (BSC) uses, among other things, navigation and communication tools, camera and sound equipment and mobile GPS Tracking & Tracing tracking systems, if desired with a Panic Button and/or built-in microphone.
BSC is equipped with various advanced GPS Tracking & Tracing systems (electronic freight security) to secure people, transport and loads (generally high value cargo). Through the extensive software these systems can be set in many ways, in accordance with the wishes of the client.
These systems can be monitored from the BSC office in Voorschoten or via a private emergency center. Alarm messages can be sent from the secure software of the system to persons/companies determined by the client. This can be done, for example, via SMS and/or email or through the special user-friendly program on mobile or computer. Examples of notifications are:
– When the vehicle starts to move or is stopped (Start/Stop Notification)
– When the vehicle does not follow the predetermined route (Route Deviation Alarm)
– When the vehicle enters or leaves a predetermined location (Out-of-Geofence Alarm).
A report can be automatically e-mailed to you daily, weekly or monthly from the software of the GPS tracking system. The relevant software (platform) does not communicate via the web but directly from the hardware to the BSC server. This makes the system safe with regard to illegal intrusion of the automated system (hacking).
Regardless of the fact whether the vehicle to be accompanied (bus, truck) is equipped with a permanently built-in GPS tracking system, it is advisable to also provide the load with a tracking system. This is to be able to keep track of the load at all times.
A security escort provided by BSC will also always be equipped with the advanced mobile GPS Tracking & Tracing system.
For large projects, BSC has cooperation agreements with various suppliers of the tracking systems.
Implementing the above-mentioned GPS tracking systems can be a financially attractive alternative in some cases. See ‘BSC Transport Security Concept’